
Some cold knowledge about weight loss, can you judge whether it is true or false?

1- Most of the fat in a day comes from supper and dinner at night.

2- Being called fat will increase the probability of gaining weight by 6 times.

3- Eat less and not get fat.

4- Losing weight can help improve memory.

5-90% of marathon runners have very thin calves, so don’t worry about running to make your calves thicker.

6- A glass of light salt water in the morning is not good for weight loss, and it will also cause edema due to excessive salt intake for the day. Only a glass of warm water in the morning is enough.

7- Commonly used air conditioners will cause obesity.

8- Eating while walking is easy to gain weight.

9- Standing on tiptoe can really make your calf thinner.

10- Going on a diet to lose weight is nerve-wracking.

11- Lose weight and keep it for a year without gaining weight to be considered successful.

12- Sweating a lot doesn’t help you lose weight.

13- You will gain weight after liposuction, and it is harmful to your health.

14- The effect of hunger strike is worse than that of eating fruit, and it is easy to get stomach problems.

15- It is more important to keep your mouth shut than your legs.

16- More than 90% of the weight loss methods on the Internet are methods without professional qualifications.

17- 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training for more fat loss than 40 minutes of running.

18- Exercise does not burn a lot of calories.

19- An hour of exercise after get off work for a sedentary office worker is not as great as a day’s exercise for a waiter.

20- Lack of sleep can also make you fat.

21- Eating fried potatoes is easier to gain weight than eating chocolate.

22- Don’t eat until you are hungry.

23- Normal weight does not mean normal body fat.

24- There are about 3,500 calories in a pound of fat.

25- You cannot lose weight by not eating meat.

26- Only when you are full can you lose weight.

27- It is not easy to gain weight by eating in front of the man you like!

28- The red wine diet is bullshit.