
6 Reasons You're Not Building Muscle


1- Excessive smoking Smoking can cause your body to take in too much carbon monoxide, which will prevent the muscles from absorbing and utilizing oxygen. When oxygen is scarce, the utilization rate of oxygen to the meat will … Read More


Some bad habits that fitness can't do


1- Eat a big meal before training Some people say that you can only exercise when you are full, but this is not the case. When you eat a lot of food, your body will instinctively guide the blood to the digestive organs. And … Read More


Belly Breathing Helps You Run Easier

running exercising

Belly breathing helps you run easily🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨💨 Belly breathing is a method of deep breathing that relaxes the abdominal muscles to allow air to flow more easily into the lungs. 👏🏻 4 Benefits: ✅Increase oxygen supply and … Read More