
Belly Breathing Helps You Run Easier

Belly breathing helps you run easily🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨💨

Belly breathing is a method of deep breathing that relaxes the abdominal muscles to allow air to flow more easily into the lungs.

👏🏻 4 Benefits:

✅Increase oxygen supply and discharge carbon dioxide after metabolism more thoroughly

✅Improve running performance and endurance, so you won’t be out of breath

✅Help relax the body, reduce tension and fatigue

✅Help to practice vest line quickly

👃🏻How to do it:

1- Can practice at any time - the super simple “515 rule”

Inhale deeply to inflate your stomach for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 1 second, and then exhale slowly to retract your stomach for 5 seconds.

Whether you are standing, sitting or lying down, you can practice.

2- Can be practiced during meditation

There are many good meditation courses, and the voice guidance will teach you how to breathe step by step. You can also practice abdominal breathing at this time~

3 Notes:

💚 Belly breathing is not simply “drumming”.

💚When you first start belly breathing, you may feel difficult or not used to it, take your time and gradually increase the practice time and intensity.

💚Not everyone is suitable for belly breathing. If dizziness, acid reflux and other discomforts occur, stop in time!

Have you learned it? 🤗🤗🤗